John Kerry Wants You Silenced! The World Economic Forum petty tyrants are gradually grinding down on our Free Speech as they continue to sell their Club Of Rome totalitarian Agenda to an ever-increasing awakened public. Nevertheless, Kerry and his stooges of the NWO will have their voices heard and ours shut down. (VIDEO)
Stay Asleep. Obey. Conform. Do Not Question Authority... The True Reality If A Marxist Communist Harris Is Installed By The Globalists As President. It Will Be Very Real Oppressive, For Keeps, And Guaranteed For Everyone Come 2025 With No way Back To Freedom And The Constitutional American Republic We Once Knew (VIDEO)
Primanti Bros Posts Statement Denying JD Vance Was Blocked From Entering Pittsburgh Area Restaurant–Then Blocks Comments. (VIDEOS)
Same Pittsburgh Restaurant Chain Primanti Bros That Staged Kamala Harris Campaign Stop - Bans JD Vance From Entering to Meet Trump Supporters
Watch: J.D. Vance Refused Entry at Popular PA Restaurant Primanti Bros, Outraged Customers Stage Walkout. Trump running mate Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) was barred from entering a popular sandwich shop outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, prompting outraged customers to leave the establishment. (VIDEOS)
Jack Smith Pushes For Redacted Version of 180-Page Hit Piece to be Released to do the Maximum Damage to Trump Before Election. Special Counsel Jack Smith on Friday pushed to publicly release a redacted version of his 180-page ‘opening brief’ with cherry-picked quotes to do the maximum damage to Trump shortly before the presidential election. Julie Kelly @julie_kelly2 on X NEW: Tanya Chutkan sets a schedule in Jack Smith's "opening brief" filing. Look like we won't see this until mid October. I believe Trump's lawyers will file other motions to dismiss next month including immunity and unconstitutional appointment of Jack Smith. Here’s an Update on President Trump’s Early Voting Progress in Pennsylvania. We are now within the 40-day window until Election Day – and all eyes are on the Keystone state. Over the next couple of weeks, both President Trump and Senator JD Vance have multiple rallies scheduled in Pennsylvania, including one in Butler County scheduled for October 5th. So the clock is really ticking. As of today, to the extent mainstream polling at all can be trusted (not much) the President would garner over 270 electoral college votes, and hence, win the presidency. So far, it is unclear just how election integrity lawyers will be able to verify a voter’s residence in Pennsylvania, especially if voter rolls are not publicly available. To achieve credibility, the public must have the belief that their elections have not been corrupted by fraud In Pennsylvania. Commentary Note: Philadelphia County and Especially In Allegheny County where their are 131 boroughs and townships, with well known on going decades history of vote counting law shenanigans that run ramped to tilt the elections result towards democrats in local, state and presidential elections. With the most recent addition to sure this up the the implementation of a cockeyed redistrict voting maps which conveniently landed on the 2020 presidential election, that allowed days to tally the votes. This will be the same in 2024, Unless Kamala Harris has a slight vote lead, or "to close to call", it then will quickly be called a win for her like lightning in PA. If Trump is ahead in PA on election night, it will be a carbon copy of 2020 and not called. The election will drag out possibly for a couple days, till they count enough illegals, dead voters and overseas votes among many other votes counted, to strategically over take Trumps popular vote lead, and drags Kamala across the finish line to 270 and straight and quickly into the white house. With no questions allowed to be asked. Historically the Marxist Dems always have a lot invested in PA, and are depending on PA for a successful ethical looking 2024 election Hijack.
North Carolina Removes 747,000 Ineligible Voters From Its Rolls, Including Over 130,000 Dead People. North Carolina’s State Board of Elections has removed a staggering 747,000 individuals from its list of registered voters, including more than 130,000 deceased individuals, over the past 20 months. The Jack Boot March Toward A New World Order: UN Claims a ‘Need For Global Governance’ to Control AI — Document. The United Nations (U.N.) ‘High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence’ published ‘Governing AI for Humanity‘ in September. It calls for global government control in the face of recent developments in artificial intelligence (A.I.). Document-‘Governing AI for Humanity‘ ‘Great Idea!’ Alex Jones Supports Elon Musk Placing Bid on Infowars. founder Alex Jones is receptive to the notion of billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk attempting to buy his alternative media empire. “This is a great idea!” Jones commented on X, adding it would be “The ultimate middle finger to the rotting globalist establishment.” (VIDEO) Commentary: The story concerning the auctioning off of Infowars, is the straight foreword first move towards a slow and progressive universal government intervention command an control tactic into all conservative or moderate on line media platforms. In other words, government exercise uses of the authority and direction to designated government assigned and attached agencies in the goal of accomplishment of the mission. The mission to auction off sale to a new owner of Infowars 24 hour voice of conservative info broadcast operation platform, which may end up in a moderate or liberal media companies hands. This will leave millions of listener and viewers out in the cold and in the dark with out a conservative key news and information voice. A plan has been kicking around for years and the rumblings of an eventual implementation of an Internet FCC overseeing the United States Internet audio, podcasting and video communications platforms. It seems obvious the government is using Infowars as the sacrificial lamb to some how kick this plan in to gear. The 1st question is the auction sale and silencing of Infowars designed as an October/November surprise? As far as the auction, if it is controlled and conducted as a closed media auction, exclusively only to bidders in the United States, then Infowars has a strong chance of being purchased to a new conservative owner that will retain current platform operations and staff, possibly assigning at some point Alex as VP or GM of infowars station daily operations. This is where Elon Musk would become a dynamic force into play in becoming the new owner by launching InfowarsX. This would form a complementary mega media merger combo company. Covering the whole spectrum form Internet TV, Audio, X Social Media, to also include existing infowars terrestrial radio affiliates. Like the idea? Then place your own insightful thoughts on Elons X Social media page concerning this infowarsX idea. Maybe he will put a poll up addressing the question, if he should bid on the purchase of Infowars? The 2nd question, if the auction is open, it will be the wild west to include everyone, with foreign entities also bidding. This is where the auction sale gets sticky in the details, meaning if infowars has a declared set minimum a over valued opening starting bid in the millions, above 20, 40, 60, 100 million. Why I say this is because then only deep pocket bidders will be able to bid by design, chomping at the bit bidding high to claim the winning bid due to the high monetary value of the name branding "infowars" , its name to audience marketing identity, and the web URL Just in contrast same as with a radio station sale, the monetary value is in the frequency, monetary marketing value of the stations name identity. All other station assets, studio equipment ect.. come with the station package included with the sale. The bad part of a open auction bidding of the sale of infowars would be the very unfortunate possibility of a big liberal media company by indirect design winning the purchase bid of infowars, it would cause a ripple effect on conservative media. Example such a the Soros media company that now owns Audacy, Warner Bros. Discovery that owns CNN, NBCUniversal that owns MSNBC, Paramount Streaming and a host of many other left of center and left leaning deep pocketed companies standing in the wings that are ready to swallow and scoop up infowars, just to rebrand infowars and relaunch it and turn it into a left of center or left leaning propaganda misinformation infowars, spewing out liberal propaganda stories against moderate and conservative thought. The possibility is there and very real. It's time to pray for a honest, ethical and reasonable auction of infowars media, so Elon or other sincere individuals will be able to bid and have the ability to win the auction sale bid of infowars, keeping it retained and unhindered, this in order to maintain independent journalism and conservative media free speech and thought alive.
The Joe Hoft Show- The Up And Coming 2024 Election Hijack Steal, Trump will win but the Dems and media will just announce Harris won the election days later. 2020 Election in-depth Video Documentary, factual Detailed background on how it was Hijacked and Stolen. Must See Eye Opener (VIDEO) Commentary: During This 2024 election season, one loaded critical question must be asked concerning early ballots and in person voting. Are the ballots security measures in place? Are real solid security measures truly in place? When a voting ballots is mailed or delivered to ones county ballot drop off center, where do they move the ballots from the drop off centers? To a security center, or just a ballot holding center where they will remain for over a month and in some cases unnecessary like Pennsylvania past election day, before they are counted. A ballot has great value, the same as on the level as a check, credit card, or cash. Meaning If ballots are not handled with the up most top security, the ballots can be tampered with, and opens the doors to identity theft, fraud and a host of other nefarious activities to bad players, also to include the over seas ballots. The ballot has ones signature on it and is tied to ones personal identity. With out ballot security, a ballot is like someone blindly handing a stranger a personal blank check, checking card and or credit card. Ballots need the same level of security respect as currency, with individual digital traceable water marks on them, like cash digital water marks imprinted on it with security paper. Sound like an extreme and expensive idea? We vote in federally run presidential elections every four years. If the federal government can use billions of tax dollars to fund endless foreign wars, and many other over bloated funded projects, they can implement true election security measures on the ballots, and should be considered as financial investment and a drop in a bucket. Ballots also need to be handled with very few fingers in the pie so to speak, and move only via with marked traced armored security vehicles like currency, traceable with the ballots transferred to security holding vaults till the time when the ballots will be counted smoothly, securely, effectively and individually with hand tally counted ballots by the end of election day. Many voting security ideas over the years have been suggested to congress, but not much gets done in the way of ballot security, except for congress respond with being indifferent, with spin mister answers, being hard of hearing and looking the other way. Call your congressmen today express your concerns. Voting, via ballot or in person on election day is a personal freedom and a constitutional right given for 235 years with freedoms backed by our bill of rights. We all must vote for freedoms to remain in place and it is critical to vote this 2024 election season in order to keep our country from becoming Kamala’s Vision Of America “moving forward” with the U.N. planned ungodly Orwellian Vision Socialist/ Marxist, One World Order government controlled state, replacing the Republic of the USA. “We The People” must vote in masses for the USA to remain in place and as a free Godly republic with all our individual 235 year constitutional freedoms and rights to remain in place. Trump, The 2024 Election, “Of the people, by the people, for the people”. Some food for thought, Trump stands in the way and is a threat to the Dems globalist One Party Marxist Democracy. But Trump is not a threat to our Constitution Republic, The Bill Of Rights, the Liberties and Freedoms of the “United” States Of America. Simply Put this election will determine the fate of our country, remaining as a 235 year old Godly Constitution Republic, with all rights and privilege’s remaining. Or Abolishing the USA and turning into a ungodly freedom less one party U.N globalist Marxist democracy. Outraged Trump-Supporting Mom Confronts and Blasts Pittsburgh Area School for Forcing 17-Year-Old to Register to Vote Democrat Without Her Consent, Claiming Trump Win Would ‘Doom Black People’! A mother in Pittsburgh is furious after her 17-year-old daughter was pulled out of class and told to register to vote—without her consent. Welcome To Election 2024. Democrat Run Allegheny County Is At It Again With Their Usual Voting Shenanigan Tactics.
Left Leaning FCC Fast-Tracks Rubber Stamps George Soros Purchase of 220+ Radio Stations Before Election. So why is far-left billionaire George Soros trying to buy 220+ radio stations before the election, the Audacy radio network, reaching and effecting 165 million Americans? George Soros to Take Control of 200+ Radio Stations Just Weeks Before the Election. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has approved a deal to “fast-track” globalist billionaire George Soros’ purchase of over 200 radio stations in 40 markets just weeks before the presidential election. Whether Soros will use these radio stations to exert his influence on public opinion in the weeks leading up to the 2024 presidential election remains to be seen, but that prospect seems likely.
Commentary: Under The Left Wing Soros Fund Management Ownership. Expect in the weeks to come with new station format policy implemented and complete station management changes to many these 200 stations. With in their news departments, programming, with sudden layoffs across the board and format changes. These changes will be made under the guise of cost cutting and financial belt tightening. Replacing much of the current local moderate and constative news and talk programming, shifting stations to run with a more liberal progressive Socialist Marxist bent, anti America, anti Trump election propaganda MSNBC/ CNN Style programming with radio station staff ideology, station changes and format policy made in order to help swing the election results and broadcast so called election "Denyer" propaganda. You will probably hear these changes happen in bigger city medium and major markets with conservative syndicated programming formats in democrat and moderate leaning swing states radio markets, stations owned by the new ownership In Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York City, Atlanta, Chicago, New Orleans, Minneapolis, Kansas City, St. Louis, Las Vegas, Austin, Dallas, Richmond, Los Angeles. With the constative station formats running syndicated talk and news programs feeling the eventual left wing Soros bent station new programming and format policy squeeze, implemented and pushed upon them by the local station affiliate stations, affiliate agreements and by the advertisers. If you do not like the idea of Soros socialist left wing propaganda ideology format and station policy implemented on your local radio station, Call your local station and voice your opinion and concerns, be polite and direct and state that you are against it. Remember each radio station broadcasts on the public air waves, Stations broadcast and are each licensed to broadcast with in the public interest. “World War III Is Approaching” – Pro-Putin Channel Simulates Massive Nuclear Strike on London – Would ‘Instantly Vaporize’ 850,000 People And Over 1,OOOOOO Critically Fatally Wounded And Effected. The movie was tweeted out by Moscow News. “Russian media publishes a simulation of a nuclear strike on the British capital, London, with a charge of 750 kilotons. WATCH THIS CHILLING VIDEO AS A VERY REAL REMINDER OF NECLEAR WAR . THE ANSWER, NO ONE WILL WIN OR BE SPARED AND EVERYONE WILL EVENTUALLY DIE ! (VIDEO)
Breaking: DHS Confirms MULTIPLE KILL SQUADS Now Hunting Down President Trump After Second Failed Assassination Attempt. Reports of numerous assassination squads hunting down President Trump (VIDEO). Commentary: Pray For A Hedge Of Protection Over President Trump And For Divine Intervention, For His Safety, And To Stop The Assassins Plans ! If Their Is a JFK Style Demise Of Trump, The Constitution Republic Of The United States Will Be All But Finished .The Results Of The Heinous act of extreme evil will lead down a horrible path For The Country ,Leading To Utter Chaos in Government And Society. If this Evil Heinous act happens to Trump. The Assassins act will terminate and Demise Our Country For Good and Everything The living Documents Of The Declaration Of Independence, Constitution and Bill Rights Stands For. Their Will Be No Turing Back And No Way Back To A United States Of America! THE LAST DANCE: President Trump Rules Out Another Run for President if He ‘Loses’ This Year (VIDEO) THE CHEAT IS ON! Marxist Democrats Reveal Their Plan to Use Overseas Ballots to Hijack A Win in 2024 — Here’s How Easy It Is to Cheat — Are Republicans Really Going to Let This Open Election Hijack Happen? Are Democrats really interested in attracting more overseas voters, or is it the flawed voter registration system they use that could be a game-changer in our upcoming election if properly utilized by unscrupulous election officials? On August 12, 2024, announcing it would spend six figures to collect up to 9 million Democratic votes from overseas. DNC released a memo Kamala Wants A Mulligan Debate, Like playing Golf ,an extra stroke allowed after a poor shot, not counted and a redo, a start over second chance. Trump Rejects Kamala’s CNN Debate Challenge: ‘She Sees The Polls, She’s Losing Badly’. Former President Donald Trump on Saturday turned down Kamala Harris’s request for a second debate, this time with CNN, saying it’s “too late” because early voting has already begun. Pennsylvania’s Motor Voter System, Endorsed By Barack Obama, Will Be Audited For Illegal Non-Citizen Voters How PA Democrats Corrupt Elections:
Pro-Hamas Radicals Vandalize ROTC Building at UNC, Replace American Flag With Palestinian Flag (VIDEO) Rep. Clyde: Speaker Mike Johnson ‘Demanded’ Biden ‘Provide’ Trump with ‘Same Level of Protection’ He Has WATCH: New Video Shows Just How Close Would-Be Assassin Ryan Routh’s Sniper Nest Was to Trump (VIDEO) Republican Politicians Wake UP ! Open Inside Dirty Election Fixing In the Works , Calling The Election 48 Days Early For Harris? Cornell Belcher On MSNBC : "Kamala Harris Will Win North Carolina". Belcher said, “I tell you this, and I have not seen North Carolina truly tied in a tossup, even in some of our internal numbers since 2008. We’re going to win North Carolina. Yes, we’re going to win North Carolina. I’m going on record, she is going to win North Carolina.” U.N./U.S Human Trafficking Programs, Moving And Importing People, Money, Drugs , Crime And Chaos Across Open American Boarders : ‘They’re‘ Programs Are Here To Stay – Biden-Harris Regime Has Imported 1.3 Million Inadmissible ‘Migrants’ via CHNV, CBP One Programs’ – Biden-Harris Regime Has Imported 1.3 Million Inadmissible ‘Migrants’ via CHNV, CBP One Programs. "The bottom line – the more than 1 million migrants the Biden admin has allowed into the U.S. via these programs are here to stay – even if they fall out of status and become unlawfully in the U.S."
Dangerous and Desperate, Marxist Thinking Americans! : 17% of Voters Say America Would Be Better Off If Trump Had Been Killed.
Commentary: America is sliding down a devilish, narcissistic, sociopathic communist Agenda 2030 Marxist road. Wake up 17%, wishing a twisted solution for Trumps demise will only cause a Marxist revolution ending with a state of utter confusion and disorder in America; it will cause a total lack of organization and order that will severely effect all of our lives in America including yours, meaning absolute CHAOS! You will be the useful idiot minions for the leftist Marxist NWO political figures in Washington. The Utter Chaos will lead to martial law. When that day hits the government will abolish all rights and liberties and will Intentionally manipulate and treat everyone cruelly, and have no remorse for their actions, Take advantage of the population for personal political gain. So hold on tight we will experience excessive a daily governmental preoccupation with the absolute power and control over society at the expense of human lives, with a absolute lack of empathy. So watch what you wish for, look before you leap. The governments goal is for a UN run one world government with the USA operating as a third world socialist communist controlled state with their ultimate government power and control over our lives from the cradle to the grave ! what we are experiencing now is just child play, 2024 will be the vote by the people for people with a solution as a Free American Republic, or we will end and turn into a Communist controlled society, If this happens their will be no turning back, and no way back, Think about it !
P Diddy Crimes Lead To Washington D.C. P Diddy’s ties to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton open yet another rabbit hole into his role as a gateway for the elite child trafficking networks hidden behind the lavish lifestyles of demonic
Border Patrol Flying Overflow Illegals From San Diego to Texas “Every Other Day”. You may see this plane next time you're at the San Diego Airport. Every other day, A plane transports migrants from San Diego to McAllen, Texas, because Border Patrol facilities in San Diego are over capacity. Here's how the process works: Migrants surrender to Border Patrol agents, are taken to a processing center, placed on a bus, and then flown to Texas—all on your dime. The border is still being overwhelmed, yet this administration continues to allow thousands into this country, further straining our resources and security.
Pray Now For A Hedge Of Psalm 91 Protection For Trump Due To Lack Of Extensive Top Security Protection Needed For Trumps Safety, And Pray For Our Country Before It Is To Late ! Trumps Second Assassination Attempt Response - “Nothing Will Slow Me Down. I Will NEVER SURRENDER” – Trump Releases Statement on Attempted Shooting Breaking: Trump's Golf Schedule Not Posted, So How Did the Shooter Ryan Wesley Routh Know He Was There Today? (VIDEO) Keep In Mind This Second Assassination Attempt Is No consequence, No Accident, Just Like Butler PA, Just 2 Months And 2 Days Ago. Why Did The Radical Shooter Ryan Wesley Routh Know Exactly Where Trump Was? Inside Job Playbook? "Assassination definition: Is the premeditated act of killing someone suddenly or secretively, especially a prominent person, the willful killing, by sudden, secret, or planned attack. Trumps Assassination Attempt Is Not A Reality Fiction Scripted TV Show, It Is Real Life. This Is The Use Of Gorilla Warfare Tactics On Trump Along With The Marxist Propaganda Response From The Media, Government ! Watch For The White Washed Cover Up In The Days Ahead. Breaking And Developing : Trump: 2 — Deep State Assassins: 0 — Would-Be Assassin Identified as Ryan Wesley Routh. A United States CIA Asset Radicalized Ukraine Foreign Legion Militant Mercenary The White Wash Cover Up Begins! FBI Confirms Second Assassination Attempt Against Trump as Democrats Dismiss Incident as Conspiracy Theory — Alex Jones and Chase Geiser break down the latest developments concerning the second assassination attempt against Trump, including the FBI confirm the incident as such while the mainstream media downplays the incident as gang crossfire. Meanwhile, Facebook has scrubbed the social media account of alleged shooter Ryan Routh. Tune in to learn the truth and find out what comes next! Assassination Of Trump In Order To Start a Endless Deadly Nuclear World War 3 With Russia ? Coming To Your Town Not Just Ohio: Small Charleroi, Pennsylvania Town Also Mired in Tidal Wave of Haitian Migrants. According to the activist group America-2100, the rural town has suffered a 2,000-percent increase in its population of Haitian migrants — and crime and traffic altercations have soared as a result. Charleroi, Pennsylvania is a working-class town of just over 4,000 people. Over the past two years, their Haitian immigrant population has increased by 2,000%. It's going exactly the way you'd expect. X Post from @America_2100 Springfield, Ohio, City Hall Evacuated, Residents Told to Avoid Area. Springfield has a population of between 15,000 and 20,000 Haitains, many of whom came as part of the Temporary Protected Status program that has been expanded under President Joe Biden. Kamala Harris’ Support for Taxpayer Funded Transgender Surgery for Illegal Aliens Is So Crazy Her Supporters and Media Allies Don’t Believe It (But It’s True!) THIS IS THE REAL DONALD TRUMP: 45th President Sends Beautiful and Touching Birthday Letter to Young Boy With Rare Brain Disorder, Bringing Him to Tears (VIDEO)
Dear Liam, Happy 8th birthday. Mrs. Trump and I hope you enjoy this special occasion surrounded by the love of your family and friends. We are so encouraged by the strength and determination you have shown throughout your young life and send our best love and wishes to you as you continue to fight. Remember you are never alone and we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers for continued care and good health. May God bless you and your family. Stay strong. Sincerely, President Donald J. Trump This is the side of Trump the media does not want to show you. Please share this incredible gesture by him with everyone you know. What we can expect on the Tuesday evening debate, 3 moderators including Harris with all questions carefully crafted against Trump and his policy, spinning it as think tank' Heritage project 2025 , while socialist Harris copying and carefully spinning Trump Campaign Policy claiming is as her own in in order to grab interest to attract low information voters and more with much help from ABC propaganda moderators. Report: ABC Campaign Coverage Has Been 100% Positive for Harris, 93% Negative for Trump. ABC News program World News Tonight has shown an overall positive spin on its reporting of Vice President Kamala Harris, versus its overall negative reporting on former President Donald Trump, according to a recent report. |
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